My adventures, opinions, photography, and writing!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I joined my brothers family camping this weekend to celebrate his step sons 14th birthday at Allegany State Park. It was a lot of fun! Check out the pictures.
The beautiful park headquarters overlooks Red House Lake
Our home for the weekend, cabin #16 on Sugarbush Trail.
This small creek near our cabin made for a great picture.
We spent our saturday morning tubing at the Summit Area. Here's my out of shape sister-in-law falling into a ditch on her way back up the sledding hill.
Me before I jet down the tubing hill.
The overlook at the top of Red House area.
My brother and his family at an overlook above Salamanca.
The view at Quaker Lake was pretty cool. The bottom shot shows the lake as it drains down the dam.
Jeremy cuts his birthday cake. He turned 14 on Saturday.
Monday, December 10, 2007
On saturday night me, my brother, sister-in-law, her son, and my parents went to Fountain Plaza to go ice skating. Unfortunately there were so many people we never got a chance to actually skate so we people watched instead.
My sister-in-law and her son warm up by the fire.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
While voting in a contest to win Lockport Memorial Hospital an MRI machine I was asked to enter "GAYAF" as a security code. How funny is that!
The Holiday Issue of abOUT Magzine is out for your enjoyment. Pick up your free copy or download it from
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Today I spent my afternoon moving my brother into his new apartment. At the corner of Linwood and Barker, it's right in the middle of the Historic Linwood neighborhood.
Let the tour begin. The kitchen!
The bathroom.
And finally, the living room.
Yesterday I caught my brother in bed with another women! Mocha you slut.
I'm a single guy living in downtown Buffalo. I currently co-own abOUT Magazine, a gay and lesbian publication covering western New York and southern Ontario Canada. I started the magazine and am currently a partner in it. I just started doing free lance work for Buffalo Rising Magazine and I spend my leisure time biking, reading, walking, and working out. I love to go camping whenever I get the chance. I love to cook and travel frequently. I was a fire fighter/EMT for just under 16 years. I was an Assistant Chief for 3 years. I'm currently on the county's SMART(Disaster Response) Team. This blog is a compilation of my adventures, writing, and photography.