My adventures, opinions, photography, and writing!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I have put together a Spring tour of some of the highlights of the building boom going on in Buffalo over the winter. The old DVD Dot on Elmwood and North Streets has been converted into the Elmwood Market, an old style deli and market.
Here's a better picture of the work going on at the old federal building on Delaware Avenue. They are actually removing the cement panels and windows from the building. It will be converted into a hotel, offices, and condo's.
A press conference was held on Thursday to announce that work on the new Outer Harbour Boulevard has begun. This picture was taken in front of the Small Boat Harbor. This entire section of roadway will be converted into a boulevard with parks, bike trails, and sidewalks. The work will run from the base of the skyway to the Lackawanna border.
I had dinner and drinks at the newly opened W.J. Morrissey's Irish Bar in the Cobblestone District on St. Patrick's Day.
I came across these group of Smart cars on Mississippi Street next to the offices of Buffalo Rising magazine.
Work has begun already on the $330 million dollar permanent casino on Michigan Street in the booming Cobblestone district.
This building at Mississippi and Perry Streets is being converted into the Cobblestone Lofts.
Erie Community College recently added this addition to their downtown campus on Oak Street across the street from the main campus.
The Warehouse Lofts on Ellicott Street next to the downtown library recently had their grand opening. They are almost all taken already.
This eye sore set of civil war era buildings will finally be converted into "Genesee Gateway", an entire block of new retail and office buildings with the addition of a brand new two story building.
The other end of the Genesee Gateway near Ellicott Street is just as active.
Construction fencing went up this weekend around the old Trico building at Ellicott and Goodell Streets. It was recently purchased by the University at Buffalo to add small medical company start ups on the Medical Campus.
The work at this Allentown print shop is just about finished.
Recently, the work on this Delaware Avenue mansion was completed. For those of you who remember it was literally just a shell two years ago. Great job on this one!
The old FDA building on Delaware Avenue near North Street has been complete for a while but I don't think I ever added it on here. It is now Buffalo Clinical Research Center.
Moving into the Medical Campus, ZeptoMetrix recentyly completed work on their building including adding windows. A great improvement over the cement walls that have been there forever.
This old mansion next to ZeptoMetrix will become their new corporate headquarters after renovations.
And lastly, on the Medical Campus is a new italian restaurant next to Roxy's called Campieri's.
One area of the city that has seen tremondous growth in the past couple years is midtown, just north of the Medical Campus down Main Street. The Artspace Lofts recently opened up almost completely full across from the new Delta Sonic Car Wash.
This building across from the Artspace Lofts has also been renovated. One half opened as an art gallery and the other is under construction.
And lastly, pictures of Sycamore Village at Jefferson and Sycamore is in full swing. This is one of many like projects on the near east side as well as in the Fruitbelt that are being built. Sycamore Village is not just a few home but an entire neighborhood.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's official, I'm off work until Tuesday afternoon for the Easter break, so I'm off to party with my peeps. Happy Easter!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I spent the afternoon at my friend Darrell's place watching the St. Patrick's Day parade with friends. What a great place to view all the activity!
What's more Irish than a leprechaun?
The skeleton of the old federal building makes an apperance in the Buffalo skyline. New condo's, office, and a hotel will take it's place.
The Irish dancers work it out!
The Irish and U.S. flags whip through the chilly air.
Hot guy in the crowd.
Here's me on Darrell's balcony. What a view!
Cool shadows of these civil war re-en actors.
The sign speaks for itself.
A rare llama appearance.
This Sheriff's Department bagpiper was easy on the eyes. Gotta love a hot guy in a skirt!
The New York State Troopers looked impressive!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Acropolis on Elmwood, where I usually start my weekends with a fast, cheap, and delicious breakfast.
The lame "blizzard" we were supposed to get did produce a beautiful winter scene here. This picture is looking south on Elmwood.
Me and my friend Darrell took a leisurely drive through Forest Lawn Cemetery on our way to Target today.
Me posing for a picture.
The wintery scene at Mirror Lake.
A great picture of some tombstones.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Me and my friend Chris went to Niagara Gun Range tonight so that I can pratice with my Glock 40 and he could learn to shoot it! He did pretty good.
Me, working it out at 40 yards!
Action shot!
Not bad at all, mostly on target!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
American Idol is rockin it out again this year. As the weeks have gone by I must same I'm more and more impressed with David Cook. Last weeks version of a Lionle Richie song was brilliant! Here's a link below.
Today I received my second and last set of Olympic coins from the 2008 games in Bejing. I got a great deal on them from a seller in Australia from ebay. They are currently valued at around $500. I paid much less than half that for them!
Some close ups of the coins. They're Chinese children playing.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
This afternoon I joined friends and family at Colden Tubing Company for a day of tubing. It was near perfect conditions!
I'm a single guy living in downtown Buffalo. I currently co-own abOUT Magazine, a gay and lesbian publication covering western New York and southern Ontario Canada. I started the magazine and am currently a partner in it. I just started doing free lance work for Buffalo Rising Magazine and I spend my leisure time biking, reading, walking, and working out. I love to go camping whenever I get the chance. I love to cook and travel frequently. I was a fire fighter/EMT for just under 16 years. I was an Assistant Chief for 3 years. I'm currently on the county's SMART(Disaster Response) Team. This blog is a compilation of my adventures, writing, and photography.