My adventures, opinions, photography, and writing!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Me and my friend Darrell spent our day off today being tourists in our own city. We started at Buffalo City Hall (c.1939).
The support columns in front of city hall.
One of the many murals in the lobby.
The ceiling of the lobby.
The tour included the Mayor's Office.
The amazing Common Council Chambers.
Now up to the Observation Deck.
The top of the new Federal Court house under construction.
Looking out at Lake Erie.
The useless snakysky way.
All thats left of the old Memorial Aud.
There's a great view of the Holding Center's roof top prisoner playground from atop of city hall.
Lady Liberties on top of the Liberty Building.
Some of the unique architectural elements on the outside of the building.
Next we moved on to the Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Servicemans Park. The first ship we toured was the USS The Sullivans. The Sullivans is a 376' Fletcher Class Destroyer commissioned in 1943. The destroyer was named after 5 brothers who died in Guadal Canal essesntially wiping out an entire family.
An Officer's Quarters. Much bigger than the peon sleep quarters.
This is a long tour. I need a nap!
Can I get a Cosmo? Huh? This isn't the lounge?
The signal flags.
This gun is for the guys too lazy to stand and shoot.
Darrell's lost in the engine room.
Working the guns, and there's a large artillery piece too!
Now onto the USS Little Rock. It's a 610' Cleveland Class Guided Missle Light Cruiser Commissioned in 1945. It had a full complement of 1,100 enlisted men, including 150 officers, and 150 marines.
Thats some thick ass rope.
Missle launch.
The Screening Room.
The Sick Bay, Dentist Office, and Recreation Room.
The USS The Sullivans.
The bridge.
Remember the saying?
Lots of rope on these ships.
Canada, via the parascope. Strike 1!
The USS Little Rock Bell.
Strike 2, the Buffalo Lighthouse.
Darrell, do you comprehend this signage?
Launching missles from here, fa rizzo!
The control room.
Able to lift fighter jets in a single bound!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Better late then never! Me, Liz, Alex, Rob, and Chris stopped for drinks at Frizzy's while roaming the Allentown Art Festival.
Me and Chris.
Are we going to the Garden Walk or the Art Festival?
I'm a single guy living in downtown Buffalo. I currently co-own abOUT Magazine, a gay and lesbian publication covering western New York and southern Ontario Canada. I started the magazine and am currently a partner in it. I just started doing free lance work for Buffalo Rising Magazine and I spend my leisure time biking, reading, walking, and working out. I love to go camping whenever I get the chance. I love to cook and travel frequently. I was a fire fighter/EMT for just under 16 years. I was an Assistant Chief for 3 years. I'm currently on the county's SMART(Disaster Response) Team. This blog is a compilation of my adventures, writing, and photography.