Sunday, May 21, 2006

More excitement of being downtown, but not quite so cool! After seeing 5-6 police cars zoom down Main Street I decided to put on my scanner. No sooner than I turned it on I hear, "All available cars (citywide) report to 622 Main Street. That's the building where Marcella's and the Tralf are located.

So what do I do but head down to investigate. When I get there I see atleast 50 police cars and hundreds of people pouring out of the Tralf where someone apparently was shot. I turned around and took the quick ride home to get my camera. On my way back I get a phone call from Jay who went down with me but stayed there saying that some guy just shot another guy in the head. As I rolled up on my bike the cops were arresting the suspect and the paramedics were treating the victim.

As people tried to get out of there area more cops keep coming in. There were Buffalo Police from every district, Transit Police, and Homeland Security, and who knows who else. We biked over to Pearl street to see vehicles bumper to bumper trying to leave while people took over the streets. Eventually another person was shot in the head on Pearl in front of Shea's. I'll be honest I wasn't scared in the least by all this however, I've really had it with these hip hop parties and events at the Groove ending up in tragedy! These incidents are embarassing for the city as well as the african-american community. GROW UP ALREADY!

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